Mazzer Mini Electronic B – SSP High Uniformity Burrs Upgrade

A quick disclaimer before we dive into the upgraded burr set – this post won’t include any *EY% numbers, no total dissolved units, no brew ratio figures, nothing insane. I’m not into getting caught up with numbers and prefer to stay focused on the experience and taste. Not that these measurements and numbers aren’t helpful, but they don’t communicate what the cup tastes like, so I’ll be leaving these out. Besides, we already know that SSP burrs affect extraction yield in a positive way. I’m making this upgrade in order to improve the taste of my cups, not to be obsessive about numbers. I will be updating this post as I go, the experience may change overtime as I put more coffee through the burrs. Now, with our  expectations set, let’s proceed! 

Firstly, I knew this day would come the moment I decided to buy the Mazzer Mini Electronic B as my “endgame” grinder. I intended to upgrade the stock 64mm Mazzer 189D burrs all along, but wanted to really get to know what style of espresso Mazzer burrs offer and what is/isn’t possible to achieve. Please don’t misunderstand – Mazzer burrs are excellent for a certain type of coffee and a certain style of espresso. They are precise, sharp, but even if aligned still produce a high amount of fines and boulders. More fines means more over-extracted coffee, more boulders means more under-extracted coffee.

Though I had my eyes on the Super Jolly V Pro, I simply didn’t think such a big grinder would fit into the home environment too well. The SJ V Pro has a powerful motor, but is really big compared to the Mini Electronic B. There are grinders out there with similarly powered motors as the Mini Electronic B (250 Watt) that run SSP burrs effortlessly while single dosing, but there was a strong prejudice that the Mini Electronic B wouldn’t handle SSP burrs while grinding on demand with a hopper and would stall and burn out – that’s what they say on the internet, right? Hansung Lee, SSP Grinding Solution CEO, doesn’t share this conservatism and neither do I.

Here are a few things I can safely say for now! I haven’t experienced any stalls in the past almost 4 weeks and 4kg of coffee, the grinder sounds totally different while grinding and it’s much faster. I’m more and more impressed.

Changing a burr set is almost therapeutic of a process if you like taking things apart, cleaning them and putting them together. I’ve cleaned the grinder thoroughly until it looked as it did when I bought it. I first aligned both burrs on the x-axis, then I went ahead with the marker test. First result was inadequate, so before going into shimming I tried to rotate the top burr carrier clockwise once, which resulted in just a little area not rubbing off completely – totally fine with me. I decided not to mess with it further. Once I made sure burrs are aligned and put a fresh rub of food safe lube on the threads, screwed everything together and found the zero point, I pulled my first shot.

The grind time of light/light-medium beans dropped from around 12-13s to around 9-10s for 18-18.5g  while keeping the same recipe for the coffee I brewed at with the Mazzer burrs. But the 64mm SSP High Uniformity burrs are very different from the stock Mazzer burrs and require a different style of brewing. We can grind finer. Having less fines and boulders allows me to grind finer with much higher uniformity and extract more flavors from the coffee more evenly, resulting in tastier, more pronounced flavors and more balanced cups without harshness. I can grind really fine and still grind faster than I would with Mazzer burrs at such fine setting, not to mention Mazzer burrs never produced drinkable results at really fine settings. Light-medium roasted coffees taste from my perspective significantly better with the SSP High Uniformity burrs. Whether it’s a ristretto-style shot or my favourite 1:3+ ratios, these burrs deliver cups that outperform stock Mazzer burrs in every aspect. Sweet notes are sweeter, floral notes are more pronounced, fruity acidity is fruitier – you get the picture.

The first thing I noticed was how much the sound of the grinder has changed while grinding and how uniform the coffee appears to be. Second thing was the speed at which it ground 18g once adjusted for a decent shot. Third was the taste – not even dialed in properly, same coffee and completely off brew time and ratio tasted actually very nice! At this point I knew that these burrs exceeded my expectations.

It’s been little over three weeks since I got these burrs and I really wasn’t sure if I should go with the Multipurpose burrs instead. After these three weeks and around 4kg of coffee I’m happy to say that I’m glad I went with the High Uniformity burrs. I only drink espresso and I can see why the Multipurpose burrs are better suited for someone trying out different brewing methods and those clarity-over-mouthfeel super clear long ratio espresso style of cups. The cups I’m getting with the High Uniformity are clear, balanced with really nice body at whatever ratio I try. One thing is for sure – these burrs don’t go well with traditional 9bar shots, at least for me. It seems brewing 6-7bar pressure goes well with the style of coffee I like to enjoy.

In regards to seasoning – I don’t think they come pre-seasoned, but I’ve read on CoffeeAddicts that they don’t need seasoning at all. I’ve also read on Fellow’s website that they do require at least 3-5kg of seasoning. I’ve noticed that the consistency improved after the first kilo, but that’s maybe because I really cleaned the grinder to be absolutely spotless before putting the new burrs in and coffee is getting re-stuck everywhere. This topic of seasoning burrs (especially these Red Speed coated burrs) is somewhat bipolar in my opinion, so I won’t be digging into this topic here. Maybe someone with better understanding will chip in. I’ve read a reply on Sprometheus’s recent video in regards to seasoning burrs that I find to be convincing enough to keep an eye on how these burrs change over time. I still haven’t noticed much of a difference in taste or workflow after 4kg.

SSP burrs in general seem to be mostly out of stock in most places in the world at the time of this post. I was lucky enough to order one of the last two pairs from a major US based shop which I won’t mention by name because this isn’t a paid sponsorship and the experience was somewhat rocky. Leaving a few issues aside, ordering and having them delivered to Ireland was really easy and relatively fast. I ordered them on Friday, they could’ve been here earlier but arrived on the next Friday with DHL Express. The cost with shipping, tax and duty was 300€. Not to brag, but so that you know what you have to expect if you’re ordering from the US as they still aren’t in stock anywhere I looked at in Europe currently.

Lastly, my advice to you is that if you’re sure the burrs you’re currently grinding with aren’t providing the grind quality you’re looking for and are thinking about upgrading to SSP burrs, consider this as my recommendation to upgrade. If you’re looking for numbers, this thread on Home-Barista should provide enough measurements and results. I’ll share more thoughts as they come. Thanks for reading!

Update – 23th April 2023

Time for a little update! I’ve had this burrs for a year (and two days) at this point. Ground countless kilograms of coffee through, had a chance to compare them to Mazzer’s new 233M burrs, made and drank some of the most delicious coffees.

I’ve not experienced a single stall with these burrs. They’re perfectly aligned, produce amazing coffee and I’m very happy with the set. In the meantime, Mazzer has released new Super Jolly V Pro and with that a completely new burr set – 233M burrs. I’ve had these in my Mazzer Mini A next to the Mini B with SSPs. I have to say, I’d probably buy the Mazzer burrs if they were available at the time, as the results in the cup are very, very hard to tell apart. I’d even go ahead and state that the 233M burrs are on par with SSP High Uniformity, and grind even faster. The price difference between the two burrsets is around 150-200€, but I don’t taste such difference in the cup. Please don’t misunderstand – SSP HUs are really, really great and worth the price tag, as I’ve not regretted buying the set for a single day. All I’m saying is that Mazzer has released burr set shockingly similar to these at a much lower price point.

I’ll be keeping these burrs in the Mini B, probably forever, as I really don’t want to mess up the alignment at this point by changing burrs. My year with SSP HUs in the Mini B just proves how robust and powerful the Mazzer Mini B actually is. Combining this burrs with the grinder sets you up for insanely good espresso for a very long time.

*extraction yield


  1. J G
    July 24, 2022

    Will track this over time. Do update if you see any issues with stalling etc.
    Planning to take the same jump with an old mini A that i have. Single dosing, so hopefully no issues longer term.

    1. Jaroslav
      July 24, 2022


      I haven’t had any issues with the grinder so far, it hasn’t stalled once. I don’t expect any issues in the future, I can certainly recommend you to upgrade.

      Thanks for the comment!

  2. Aidan
    October 10, 2022

    Hi there,

    Just wondering from what I read do you get less clumps vs the stock Mazzer burrs ?

    Reason why I’m asking is I currently have a mini with stock burrs.

    I’m currently weighing out Mini with SSP High uniformity or a stock Fiorenzato AllGround.

    Fiorenzato AllGround has fluffy grinds, easy to clean burrs, however not as much adjustability as it’s stepped.

    1. Jaroslav
      October 10, 2022

      Hi Aidan,

      Can you please let me know where you read that? I’m sure I haven’t mentioned anything about clumps in this article, but I did touch upon this in Mazzer Mini Electronic B – My Endgame Grinder.

      I’m not getting any major clumps with either burr sets, the grinds are generally very even and fluffy.

      I hope this helps!


      1. Aidan
        October 10, 2022

        “ less fines and boulders” .
        I just put in new stock Mazzer burrs and I get some small clumps. Nothing fluffy like I see in newer grinders.

        1. Jaroslav
          October 10, 2022

          Aha! Boulders aren’t clumps, they are particles on the other side of the particle size distribution spectrum – individual particles that are big and get under-extracted.

          From what I’ve seen, the grind “fluffiness” isn’t that much different from my two Mazzers. Obviously there are variables this may depend on – grind setting, roast level, humidity, plus dark coffees are sticky and will clump at virtually every grinder available. People are still saying that Mignons (sorry for bringing another grinder into this) produce fluffy grounds, but I’ve noticed how clumpy Mignons are after I’ve received my Mini B. The Mini B definitely produced less clumpy and much fluffier grounds when compared to Silenzio or Specialita.

          But since I see that you’re itching for an upgrade – If you aren’t drinking filter, I can recommend not getting any of these “can do all” grinders in this price range. If you do drink filter occasionally, get a handgrinder for filter and a beast of an espresso only grinder. Fiorenzato Allground is flashy with modern looks, but I don’t believe it will deliver better results in espresso than your Mazzer (just my little opinion). SSP burrs do indeed elevate the Mazzer to a much higher level, higher than the Allground for sure.


          1. Aidan
            October 17, 2022

            Thanks for your comments it has really helped my decision, in regards to grinds quality.
            I decided to get another Mazzer mini but this time in white (inclusive of the high uniformity SSP burrs) to match the kitchen.
            I get the new look, warranty and can sell my older one, which is silver. I got a quote to paint my old silver Mazzer white and it’s better off selling it as they fetch quite a bit in the second hand market.
            I like the bulletproof build of the Mazzer Mini and it’s too soon to see how the AllGround would hold up.

          2. Jaroslav
            October 18, 2022

            Hi Aidan,

            Anytime! I’m happy you went with the Mazzer, did you get the A or B model?


  3. Aidan
    October 18, 2022

    Going to order model A as that is what I have now. I’m use to that setup as that’s what I have now :).

    1. Jaroslav
      October 20, 2022

      Awesome, let me know how it goes!


  4. Ruben
    November 19, 2022


    Can I ask you how far is your average (joker) grind setting on the collar from the touching point? I have a super jolly and I am mostly only 7-8 notches away from touching. I wanted to know if thats normal with the SSP HU or my allignment is not the best? Thanks for your help in advance.


    1. Jaroslav
      November 21, 2022


      The zero (touch) point on mine is few notches just before number 9 on the old-style collar, I’m set at 15 notches from the touching point for the coffee I’m currently using.

      I hope this helps!

  5. Shane
    January 28, 2023

    Hi there,

    I saw in your workflow videos you had a Eureka Mignon. How different is the workflow and quality of coffee from the Mignon compared to the Mazzer?

    Would love to hear your thoughts!

  6. Jörn
    October 19, 2023

    Hallo Jaroslav

    Thanks you very much for your testing and sharing your thoughts. I want to changes the burrs in my Mazzer Mini too, and at the moment my plan is to order the 233M because of the much cheaper price. You wrote that the 223M seems to be faster than the SSP HU… Doesn’t this mean that the 223M need more Power from the 250w of the Mazzers motor? Or in other words, do you think the SSP’s work better with the Motor of the Mazzer Mini?
    Thank’s in advanced for answering

    1. Jaroslav
      October 19, 2023

      Hi Jörn, thanks for reading!

      I think they grind faster than HUs because of their geometry. I haven’t measured how much power these burrs need, but such assumption would make sense. Both seem to work great with Mini’s motor, no overheating or stalls, whatsoever.


  7. Jörn
    October 19, 2023

    Thank you very much for you fast answer!
    Ok, if you still have no problems with them, as it seems, i’ll go with the 223M. 🙂
    Regards from germany,

  8. Jörn
    October 20, 2023

    Ok, after a night of countless reviews of different grinder and burrs today I ordered the Mazza Super Jolly V pro. Generally speaking I like my old Mini, but there are some advantages at the SJ which make me think this would be the better solution to me. Especially the new cleaning mechanism and the little more powerful motor with the Option to use different burrs without te risk of stalling.
    Thank you for your inspire though your homepage.

    1. Jaroslav
      October 20, 2023

      Well done Jörn, I’m happy for you! What colour did you go with?


    February 25, 2024

    Hi. I have a Mazzer Mini-Timer model, 58mm burrs. Found a site in Australia that makes SSP 58mm burrs. Will I see an improvement for light roasts I’m my Linea Micra?

    1. Jaroslav
      March 12, 2024

      Hi Mark,

      I’m not sure, I haven’t used the 58mm SSP burrs. Sorry!


  10. Mert
    May 28, 2024

    Hey I have just bought a Mazzer Mini D on Demand grinder, in my country It was the only one available weirdly, however the Mini D uses 64mm 189D burrs and I was wondering if I could use it in the future with 64mm ssp HU burrs or the ones for espresso? And secondly if I could use it with other mazzer burrs ( I am asking because this Mini D model has almost no information on blogs)
    Thanks in advance for your help.


    1. Jaroslav
      May 31, 2024

      Hi Mert,

      The Mini D is basically the same as Mini A and Mini B but manual, it has the same motor and uses same 64mm burrs. I used the HU burrs in my Mini B for the whole time and they work perfectly with the grinder (I think I mentioned this somewhere in the article). You can also use the new Mazzer 233M burrs from the Super Jolly V Pro, they have a very similar profile to the SSP HU burrs. Whatever information you need about the D applies to Mini B and Mini A as well, they’re more or less the same grinder.



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